Digital marketing buzz may often focus more on social media and search engine advertising, but email marketing is still a popular and powerful tool. Sixty-one percent of consumers say they enjoy receiving promotional emails weekly. There are clearly opportunities to reach many prospects using email marketing, but how can you leverage this tool to see the best results?

Use your email marketing platform to tell your dealership’s story. Not only does taking this approach make your emails more interesting, but it helps people connect with your business and gives them a reason to buy from you. Giving a personality to your brand makes people want to engage, which in turn increases the performance of your marketing emails –ultimately bringing in leads that convert to sales.

Personalize your email marketing content. Consumers respond much better to content that is relevant to their interests – but how do you achieve this? Marketing Automation allows you to identify those who visit your site and track the actions that they take. Based on those actions, the automated software behind Marketing Automation will only allow those prospects to receive emails that are relevant to them. For example, if a website visitor is clicking on Mahindra tractors on an ag equipment dealer’s website, that visitor will be added to an email list for Mahindra-specific inventory updates and sales announcements. Because that prospect is receiving emails specifically catered to what they are interested in, they will be much more likely to interact with the email and potentially submit a lead or visit the dealership later.

Ensure that your emails are easy to read on any device your recipient may be using. Just like your dealership website, it’s important that your emails are designed with responsive software. Whether a person is reading it on a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone they will have the same experience. It may sound obvious, but many basic email designs that look great on a desktop computer will be difficult or impossible to access on a mobile device, eliminating the chance for your email to perform at all.

Don’t limit your customer outreach to email marketing alone. People practically live online these days, especially with mobile devices that make it so easy for them to connect from basically anywhere. It is important that your dealership is easy to find via search engines, business listings sites, and social media platforms. When customers find your dealership through other channels, you want to offer them a seamless experience and connect their interactions with your brand. Marketing Automation offers a way to create a customer journey that is as smooth as possible by tracking a customer’s actions on multiple platforms – your website, your emails, and your social media accounts. With all this customer behavior being recorded and considered in the automation process, chances are your customers will have a very pleasant experience with your business overall.

 Email marketing continues to stand as a strong tool for businesses. It is becoming an even more effective strategy as technology improves and automation allows for marketers to connect with customers at the optimal level. Keeping up to date with email marketing trends, including Marketing Automation, will allow you to create the best relationship with your audience.